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RE: [OT] Unpredictable AI

From: "Bell, Brian K (Contractor)" <Brian.Bell@d...>
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 14:02:52 -0400
Subject: RE: [OT] Unpredictable AI

> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Griffin []
> Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 1:37 PM
> To:
> Subject:	RE: [OT] Unpredictable AI
> The biomass is a real disadvantage, but you tend to
> launch fighters well before coming into range so I
> don't think the energy represents much of a real
> disadvantage. Also, the number of times in a game
> a fighter has had the chance to rearm has been low
> (though I've seen it happen several times) so that's
> not a *major* downside either. To balance that, they
> can reabsorb the biomass and guaranteed grow a new
> fighter, whereas a regular fighter has to roll to 
> see if he can be relaunched at all. Roll the wrong
> thing and the whole squadron is grounded for the
> duration of the scenario. And even if you do relaunch,
> an understrength squadron will be more subject to
> morale rolls once they get hit again. The Sv's can
> spend a little more biomass and fill the squadron
> out again (if they HAVE the biomass).
> Not having special fighters IS a disadvantage, but
> Savasku can usually field more fighters for
> a single point level, so it's not such an issue
> in my mind. My group has never to my knowledge played
> the ace/turkey rule, though we've talked about it.
> So, I kind of think in practice that the Sv have the
> sweeter end of the stick.
-----End Original Message-----

Your points are well taken, however they are still at a disadvantage in
fighter on fighter engagements. Both Interceptors and Heavy Fighters
be devistating.

True, the Mothership could grow replacement drones, but unless each
group of
drones grown (beyond the first set), does more than 6 damage to the
fleet (not counting damage to opposing fighters), the SV is on the

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