Limited AAR for FT at BenCon in Denver
From: Mike Stanczyk <stanczyk@p...>
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2001 13:29:45 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Limited AAR for FT at BenCon in Denver
Got to play Full Thrust at BenCon in Denver. This is only a limited
action report since I didn't run the game, and forgot my digital camera
take turn-by-turn pictures.
If anyone else from the game is on the list, feel free to correct me on
what I get wrong.
The setup:
Plantary defense. The -attackers- are invading the -whocares- system
the intent of bombing it back to the stone age. The -defenders- have a
of system defense monitors to stop them.
The -defenders- were given the choice of how many pages of 1200 point
to use. (two pages were chosen) The -attackers- had the same number of
The game:
Full Thrust and More Thrust rules only.
Cinematic Movement.
The -attackers- were destroyed except for 2 small ships.
Sorry but I don't remember the turn by turn events.
I was part of the -attackers-.
Lessons learned:
I suck at playing without FB1 and FB2. Too much play with them and in
conversion play. (like star wars universe)
I enjoy FB1 + FB2 too much to play without them. Trying to do anything
a 1000 point ship with level THREE screens is no FUN.
Rerolling sixes is fun too.
Having to fight system defense boats is no fun when you're at equal
Both sides may have had 2400 points but since I had to pay for FTL and
didn't I feel that this was unbalanced. After this game, I wouldn't
this system without at least a 3000 point fleet.
Don't play so fast. Dyslexia and movement plotting don't mix at 2
minutes per
round. No, your other left!
Always know your objectives, and winning conditions. Know how they
Know where the exits are. We could have done much better by running
at the planet, hitting the planet, taking our lumps and then running
Was fun though.