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Re: Kinetic Shields

From: "Izenberg, Noam" <Noam.Izenberg@j...>
Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2001 07:02:26 -0400
Subject: Re: Kinetic Shields

- --- Oerjan Ohlson <> wrote:
>> There is an alternative, fairly simple solution to
>> your dilemma: If the 
>> shields in your chosen genre stops all types of
>> weapons, then don't use 
>> FT's screen-skipping weapons. Not all genres have
>> all weapon types, after all.

From: David Griffin <>

>But Star Trek does. Granted pulse torpedoes
>make weak photon torpedoes, even weaker
>quantum torpedoes and very weak transphasic
>torpedoes, but they're a step in the right

Beg to differ. Shields in Trek are proof vs. All damage until they go
Screen skipping weapons in Trek are technobabble-of-the-week plot
and inherently unbalancing in game translation terms.

If you happen to translate pulsetorps as Photon torps then Q-torps and
'transpahsics' (eeeeeeewwwww, what a name) torps are also inherently
unbalancing, as they are supposed to _represent_ unbalancing tech


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