RE: Kinetic Shields
From: "Bell, Brian K (Contractor)" <Brian.Bell@d...>
Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2001 06:57:23 -0400
Subject: RE: Kinetic Shields
The same way you make armor cost more when it is hit by
than it does when it is hit by beams. Unless you can explain how this
done, you must also state that armor is out-of-balance and should be
And if K-Guns are balanced with P-Torps, how do you make armor cost more
aginst P-Torps than against K-Guns (an "armor skipping" weapon)?
Armor is the precident in FT for equal protection from damage. The only
difference (and I admit it is large) is that shields would renew each
Thus you have to make the protection to mass/cost of the shields less
that of armor (or make it have less covererage - i.e. directional). I
that it would balance somewhere in the range of 2-3 mass per point of
I am unsure that your statement of P-Torp/K-Gun equality holds true at
higher classes of K-Guns (especially against an armored opponent). I
love to see the numbers. Intuition would indicate that in a comparison
of 1
Class-4 K-Guns vs 2 P-Torps (both 8 mass), the 2 P-Torps would have a
slightly better chance to hit, but the K-Gun would provide consistatly
greater damage per hit. Against an unarmored opponent (screened or
unscreened), the damage should be close to equal. Against an amored
opponent, the K-Gun would provide consistantly greater damage. The
the amount of armor, the larger the difference between the K-Gun and
Submitted with respect,
Brian Bell
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Oerjan Ohlson []
> Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2001 3:42 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Kinetic Shields
> Jaime Tiempo wrote:
> > > >You just increase the cost propotionally.
> > >
> > > You have to increase the cost of *all screen-degraded weapons* in
> > > proportion to their normal degrading by screens for this to
> which
> > > means that ithe basic FT screens become unbalanced instead :-/
> >
> >Not of the weapons, the kinetic screen
> How do you make the kinetic screen cost more when it is hit by
> "screen-skippers" than it does when it is hit by beams...?
> Regards,
> Oerjan
> "Life is like a sewer.
> What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."
> -Hen3ry