Prev: Re: Fighter bay design (was: FT-Fighters and bays) Next: Re: FT-Fighters and launch bays

High cost of Fighters was: FT-Fighters and launch bays

From: Chan Faunce <chanfaunce@t...>
Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2001 08:54:51 -0700
Subject: High cost of Fighters was: FT-Fighters and launch bays

For figured costs of fighters for all ships (capable of carrying
fighters) from FB1 check my site at

Roger Books wrote:
> Let's see, Fighter Cost, assuming thrust 4 FTL capable carrier:
> Cost of squadron: 18
> Hanger	  : 27
> Drives	  : 25.71
> So a squadon of fighters costs: 68.71, this changes with ship
> thrust.
> Fighters in cargo space:
> Cost of squadron : 18
> Cargo space	   :  0
> Drives	   : 17.14
> So a squadron of fighters in cargo space costs 35.14
> Hardly a fair trade off for taking a bit more launch time.
> (Did I miss any hidden costs Oerjan? :)
> Roger

Channing C. Faunce

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