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Re: Sensors and Zooplankton

From: Tony Christney <tchristney@h...>
Date: Sat, 2 Jun 2001 13:12:04 -0700
Subject: Re: Sensors and Zooplankton

>From: "Beth Fulton" <>
>>   >And normal shrimp and other
>>   >zooplankton turn up beautifully on UHF
>>   >active sensors, but only within half a km.
>>  Well like I said I'm not an engineer so I don't know if we've done
>>  something that breaks the laws of physics or what but the stuff
>>  looking at uses in excess of 150kHz to see it and its about 1.5 km
>>  so something doesn't gel here ;)
>Breaking? No.
>Pushing the performance to the limit? Yes. You must have some really
>powerful and up-to-date electronics there, the best that money can buy.

Or the transducer is on a cable or a towfish... and there probably
aren't very many snapping shrimp around.

Tony Christney

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