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Re: Sensors

From: Richard and Emily Bell <rlbell@s...>
Date: Fri, 01 Jun 2001 20:00:06 -0400
Subject: Re: Sensors

Charles Taylor wrote:

> Well, I did have the idea for the 'really simple sensors system' -
> designed largely for pick-up and tormanent games:
> Player with relatively superior sensor assets can set up after
> else (all players must still set up in their designated areas,
> ECM equipped ships don't need to be set up until the players with
> superior sensors does, however.
> Slightly more complexity: most tormanents I've played in have a
> starting velocity - allow player with superior sensor assets 1 free
> of main drive burn if desired (warning - this could be worth a lot -
> will make costing sensors difficult).
> No idea if it is balanced - or even worth the bother :-)

Another simple idea: (okay, not so simple)

All units are set up as "unknown objects", and both sides get to add
UO's as decoys (possibly two or three per ship).  A decoy has a thrust
two.  A player may inspect one UO for each ship that has at least one
of better sensors, and an additional UO for each ship that has the two
levels of better sensors.  UO's that are ships or fighter squadrons
pretending to be decoys are replaced with the ship or fighter squadron.
Decoys are removed from play.  Ships with normal sensors can only
inspect a
UO by replacing its UO marker with an "unidentified ship" marker.  It
then inspect one UO with each firecon it posesses.  The number of
is obviously revealed.	A fighter squadron may inspect one UO if it is
within 6mu (the squadron is revealed as such.).

Inspections are done in the orders phase.  Units that fire are
replaced with their model.  If the UO takes damage, decoys are
and ships become US's.	Ships that are actually destroyed while still
the firing player may never figure out exactly what it was, but
ships are distinguishable from exploding decoys.  Ships that do things
a decoy cannot (use more than 2 thrust) are replaced with US's.  Fighter
squadrons that do not pretend to be decoys are replaced with their

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