Re: [FT] Proposal - Weapons Design System Concept
From: Oerjan Ohlson <oerjan.ohlson@t...>
Date: Fri, 01 Jun 2001 18:49:25 +0200
Subject: Re: [FT] Proposal - Weapons Design System Concept
Charles Taylor wrote:
>How about a 'weapon design system' that takes the tried and tested
>weapon systems (Beams, K-Guns, etc.) and allows them to be customised
>using a system of advantages and limitations (basic idea inspired by
>Hero system).
I have a number of empirical guidelines like this. So far they've stood
in good stead for first estimates, but any result they give must
be followed up by playtesting.
The term "total cost", which I use rather extensively below, is the cost
the system itself [Mass * (Cost/Mass)], the system's fraction of the
engines (start with thrust-4 Human engines and FTL), and the hull to
both the system and the engine bitz.
Here goes:
>Range: Increase or Decrease range bands, however large ranges (>48mu)
>should be discouraged (probably very small ranges as well).
Range bands increased by 50% = double the total cost
>Reduce number of fire arcs (for weapons which naturally have more than
>1, i.e. SMs, PBLs)
>Add (or remove) PDS capability (either limited, like Class-1 beams, or
>full, like Pulsars)
4 pts total cost for full, all-arc PDS capability
>Reduce MASS but increase COST (Miniaturisation - a form of this is
>already in the WDA)
>Increase MASS and reduce COST (Maximalisation, also in the WDA)
The total cost of the system should be kept as close to constant as
>Burnout - every time the system is used, it must make a threshold check
>or be damaged, or even destroyed (variations include either fixed
>thresholds or based on current damage level)
>Backlash - use of weapon has chance of damaging ship
Depends entirely on how big the risk is
>Ignore screens - for weapons that usually don't
Increase total cost to 6/5 of the normal value
>Doesn't ignore screens -for weapons that usually do
Decrease total cost to 5/6 of the normal value
>Penetrating - half vs. armour for weapons that usually don't
No significant game effect unless the enemy ships have significantly
armour than first-row hull boxes.
>Extremely Penetrating - like K-guns, for weapons that usually don't
Tricky, since it goes from "virtually no penetration" (K1s) to "90+% of
damage bypasses armour" (K6s).
>Non-Penetrating - for weapons that normally penetrate
Same as Penetrating
>One-use/Single shot - the system can only be used once
Cut the total cost to half. Multi-shot weapons usually get to fire more
than twice during a battle, but damage now is better than the same
of damage later on.
>Limited Used - the system can only be used a limited number of times
>(probably has a magazine - like SML)
3 shots ~ "unlimited", at least for tactical battles. (Not in campaigns
>Slow rate of fire - the system needs a turn to 'recharge' after being
>fired (like PBLs)
Reduce total cost by 1/3 (if re-charge time is 1 turn)
>Unpowered - other systems cannot be used on the same turn that this
>system is used (tricky to work out - getting into B5wars territory)
>Exclusive - most other systems cannot be used on same turn that system
>is used (like vapour shroud)
Essentially unbalancable :-/
>Hardened/Fragile - system is less/more susceptible to threshold checks
>(I'm putting this one in for discussion purposes - personally I'm
>worried that both options are heavily abusable - for instance - putting
>fragile systems onto small escorts that probably won't survive the
Depends on which system it is (a hardened FCS is more worth than a
weapon, for example).
>Other limitations - like 'needs FTL drive charged', anything else I've
Depends entirely on the exact limitation.
"Life is like a sewer.
What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."