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Re: [OT] USN and USAF sharing the same crack pipe

From: Charles Taylor <charles.taylor@c...>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 18:27:24 +0100
Subject: Re: [OT] USN and USAF sharing the same crack pipe

In message <3B158CB9.3927.23956D@localhost>
	  "Thomas Barclay" <> wrote:

> I'd include the rather amazing MPEG, but it's 
> 3/4 of a meg and I'm on dialup (and that'd be 
> bad form for the list). Save to say, it shows a 
> fighter emerge trailing clouds of gas from the 
> water nose first, fire rockets or afterburners, 
> and go vertical. Quite extrordinairy. 
> Potential Pilots take note: I have no idea how 
> they plan to _recover_ the plane launched thus 
> because there doesn't seem to be a landing 
> strip.... 

Hmm... why I am I thinking 'Skydiver', I wonder if Gerry Anderson has a
patent on this one :-)

What next I wonder - Intercontinental vector thrust V/STOL with _large_
cargo module?


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