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A variant thought I've had is to adopt a different
strategy vs. fighter defense for the strikeboat
squadrons. One thought I've had is to be satisfied
with fewer BZs in order to equip them with a PDS
(because a strikeboat with a PDS goes up in price
by 3 points). The advantage is that they'll destroy
some fighters while they're dying.
Another variant I've thought of was each squadron
having a PDS corvette with something like 2 pds's
and an ADFC. This really cuts down on the numbers.
You're down to 47 squadrons (283 boats), but those
47 squadrons can fire off 94 pds's per round. In
this variant, there's one normal strikeboat, one
PDS strikeboat and 4 BZs.
Once you've done this and are looking for a little
harmless fun, try forgetting the weapons and going
with only PDS strikeboats. That's something like
138 PDS strikeboats for 276 PDS's per round. Remember
PDSs can be fired as anti ship weapons, you just have
to get close. Granted they're not the best way to do
damage, but hey, they'll toast the fighters and some
ought to survive.
Oh well. Sorry to introduce such cheesy concepts.
They're just speculations anyway.
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