Re: [FT] Tech Level? Is there such a thing?
From: David Griffin <carbon_dragon@y...>
Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 04:42:13 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [FT] Tech Level? Is there such a thing?
The Mass idea was appealing to me because the
Excalibur (from B5) actually seemed like a smaller
ship than the Omega or the Warlock destroyers, but
was really more powerful. The idea of a smaller ship
which is more powerful than a larger ship is something
you can't do in FT unless you build it at a particular
mass and cost it at that mass and say it's really
a lighter mass in real life. I liked the idea that
you could do the same thing on a lower mass, paying
less for the mass cost and more for access to the
higher tech level.
You can do some of this in availability, but people
don't like it if you take away something they
already have. I almost think you'd have to define
improved versions of the existing weapons first and
then give them access to those weapons (and systems)
slowly as the TL of a campaign (or the TL of their
race) increased?
--- wrote:
> > My views on tech would be more of an availability
> issue. In other
> > words, something to the effect of "Class 2 Beams
> don't become
> > available till TL 2" or some variation there-of.
> This also the way I would prefer to go, rather than
> modifying masses or
> effects. I, at least, would not feel comfortable
> with the play balance
> effect of changing weapon etc. values.
> There is fair scope in FT to define tech levels
> through availability:
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