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Re: NEW US Timeline

From: Donald Hosford <Hosford.Donald@a...>
Date: Tue, 01 May 2001 03:56:25 -0400
Subject: Re: NEW US Timeline

There is no reason I can think of to discard the FB1 ships.  In most
varients of the GZG TimeLine, it is reasonable to assume that the
leaders of these four fleets would make similar design/fleet
compositions choices.  Meaning most of the ship designing is already
done! :-)

Donald Hosford

David Griffin wrote:

> Well, this IS a British game, so even though I
> am an American, I guess they're entitled to something
> more imaginative than another "America rules the
> stars" timeline.
> There are plenty of timelines in various games
> where humans prove just how petty they can be
> (so as to make opportunities for lots of fighting
> and they are for combat games after all). It would
> be nice to have a LITTLE more optimism about our
> abilities to work together. If we were starting
> from whole cloth, I might be tempted to establish
> a main block of humanity who was idealistic and
> reasonably "nice." Then the other splinter factions
> would provide the conflict along with the aliens.
> Trouble is, we'd want to end up with all the
> existing factions so that the FB1 ships still
> exist, and being as it's a combat game, they
> still have to be able to fight each other, which
> means at least periods of war.
> I'd like to see the US, Britain, and maybe a
> few surprises in some kind of alliance (and
> I don't mind if it's NAC) but an alliance of
> equals, perhaps even organized by the Brits
> after the fall of NATO.  But I wouldn't want it
> to be all anglican, there should be some other
> countries there too.
> For the secessionist parts of the US in the GZG
> timeline, it's possible that the government and
> a LOT of the population of the US has moved off
> world to a set of US (or NAC) colonies, and thus
> the secessionists had a much easier time getting
> independence. The US fleet might be a part of the
> greater NAC fleet, as would the British fleet.
> The NAC NAC fleet would have mixed personel. That
> leaves room for a new set of ships that might
> represent the British independently operated
> fleet (and also an independent US fleet).
> I don't want to give the Brits a swelled head,
> but how about the Superior Terrans for the HMS
> ships. They are already named pretty much as
> the British would have named them.
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