LLAR population was Re: The United States in Full Thrust
From: Glenn M Wilson <triphibious@j...>
Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2001 21:48:20 EDT
Subject: LLAR population was Re: The United States in Full Thrust
On Sat, 28 Apr 2001 19:47:16 -0400 "Laserlight" <laserlight@quixnet.net>
>Note the changed subject heading.
>> Jon, it's your timeline **but** where did the masses of the LLAR
>> come from? Unless this was a very elite group led by the child of
>> Falkenberg's son and Hammer's daughter there are a big bunch of
>> of warriors' (to use a Cherokee term) out on the colonies breeding
>> soldiers. What did the LLAR do? practice polygamy?
>good question, that. My first take would be that the conquering NAC
>oppressors would probably let anyone go emigrate who wanted to, as
>long as they paid (or evaded) a punitive emigration tax--it's cheaper
>to ship them out than to hunt down guerillas.
Okay, that helps but somebody has to move them - LLAR perhaps as
indentured (short term) as less then cost (Gets those 'heroes of the
resistance' on a colonial planet hating the NAC and under 'observation'
until their loyalty is proven. Besides somebody has to terraform, no?
> And LLAR colonies would probably have very open immigration
>policies, at least for a while. Some of the worlds may have a Latino
>ruling class with the lower and middle classes all being Sinhalese,
>Angolan, Laotian etc.
*WHOA*, I am lost. Where in South America is there a significant number
of "... Sinhalese, Angolan, Laotian etc...." - oh wait, got it. First
you import The 'assorted' peons then bring in the Latino vets as
police/militia, etc.... Okay, maybe that way would work.
> And who knows, maybe polygamy is legal in LLAR space. If the
>soldiers are all male (which I can see, from what I know of Latino
>culture), and you have to serve a term before you marry, then there
>will be somewhat fewer available males than females. Women stay and
>run the businesses and the banks, men go offplanet and serve the army.
>Men would want more wives because there's more wealth; women would
>want the prestige and political openings available to a successful
Well, I was joking, but *if* you can get Nuevo Roma to look the other
way... why not...
> By the way, I'm not making this up--this is the way things worked
>in Europe for a while, a few hundred years ago.
Sounds more Polynesian, Melanesian, micronesian to me - an OU factoid
have been missing?
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