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Discussion of Canonical History

From: devans@u...
Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2001 09:43:02 -0500
Subject: Discussion of Canonical History

> As an [OFFICIAL] response to this thread as a whole, rather than
> comments.....
> The bottom line is that if you don't like the background, use your
own!  :-)

That's too easy--there's more challenge in trying to work out how this
or that improbable-but-canonical event came about.	     :-)

True, but many of the posts are 'it just didn't happen', REPEATEDLY.

It didn't happen is fine. You can rail against Star Trek's future, and
arguably 'merican dream, history, but anyone's free to fight it out with
Full Thrust rules, if they want to give it a go.

Oddly enough, I've not heard anyone complain about...
I'd already said:
There are many parts of the original time line I have to do some
of disbelief; the NAC is not the furthest.

Course, some require a suspension of disbelief, others of horror...

I'm not going to worry about it any more.
I'll just play my miniatures and let everyone
else worry about the fluff.

I know the feeling. I will think about the fluff, but not worry. I still
have a Captain Dame Megan Evans to give me worries. ;->=


-Douglas J. Evans, curmudgeon

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