Re:New 40k race (The GZG Digest V2 #464)
From: "Ndege Diamond" <Ndege_Diamond@m...>
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 12:41:12 -0700
Subject: Re:New 40k race (The GZG Digest V2 #464) writes:
>Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 08:34:02 -0500
>From: Andy Cowell <>
>Subject: New 40k race
>I'm not much of a GW fan, but the new 40k models are a very nice
>style, I think:
>I still dislike the rules, and we'll see about the pricing and scale,
>but I may pick some of these up.
There are some more pics at of
Tau and Kroot miniatures painted and on sprues. Just a warning: the page
aint small; apparently they don't believe in thumbnails over at The
As for GW's pricing, well it can't be as expensive as what they want for
their Inquisitor miniatures: