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[FT] WotW #7 Holofields

From: "Izenberg, Noam" <Noam.Izenberg@j...>
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 15:48:55 -0400
Subject: [FT] WotW #7 Holofields

Weapon of the Week, April 6 2001

Closure: #6 Targeting Lidar engendered only PSB discussion for the most
part, and a clarification that it only applied to direct fire weapons,

I'm going to be offline for the most part from Friday-Tuesday, so I'm
chosing a WotW I don't think I'll have lots to comment on. I'd like to
request someone else (Charles?) to track the discussion and spool the
consensus over to me.

WotW #7: Holofields
Holofield (SB) [Tom Beliech/Corye Seale] (Corye's web page) 

7.5% of ship's mass, 3x mass in points. 

Allows saves for hits on 6+ for each hit on the ship from 0-12 mu; 5+
on hits from 12-24 mu; 4+ save on hits
from 24+ mu. 

Fighters, Plasma Bolts, and Salvo Missiles ignore Holofields.  Ships
Holofields may have no armor, and no
stronger that a weak hull.  Weapons such as K-guns, Lasers, and Pulse
need only to be saved once for
the shot. 

(Oerjan) Adds horrendous number of saving throws against beam-using
How are beam re-rolls treated - do
you save against each DP (or is it die?) inflicted by the re-rolls as
or is it sufficient to save the DP/die that
caused the re-roll? Breaks even if you can stay outside range 24 
*all the time*; if not you're better off buying more offensive weapons. 

Holofield (T) [Aaron Teske] (Spacefleet converstion page) 

Holofields make all rolls to hit an equipped ship subtract 1 from the
rolled, but do not affect the damage
caused by the attack. For example, if a standard pulse torpedo is fired
on a
ship 15" away, the torpedo usually
hits on a 4+. If the target has holofields, the torpedo needs a 5+ to
Against salvo missiles, one less missile
will target the Holofield-equipped ship from each salvo. Holofields
effectively count as level 1 screens against
beam weapons. Only one Holofield may be installed on a ship. A Holofield
takes up 4 MASS, or 7% of the ship's
MASS, whichever is greater, and costs 3 points per MASS of the field. 

(Oerjan) Better than the other Holofield (SB) variant. 


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