Re: Berkely listserv prob? Re: [OT] Double Messages
From: Andy Cowell <andy@c...>
Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2001 09:51:32 -0500
Subject: Re: Berkely listserv prob? Re: [OT] Double Messages
In message
"Casquilho, Daniel" writes:
> Yes, all of the dupes came from the list. However, I have not received
> dupes from last night to now. Maybe the issue has been resolved (I can
> hope). In fact, that is why I asked in the first place. I wanted to
see if
> the problem was our routing servers or something outside our system.
One thing to look for is the Received fields in your header. This
shows the path the e-mail took through various machines. You may be
able to track down where the problem lies-- if all 7 have identical
Received fields up to one particular machine, you've narrowed down
where the duplication could be occuring. All all 7 have all identical