RE: Alien TOEs was: Cheese factor
From: KH.Ranitzsch@t...
Date: 04 Apr 2001 09:49 GMT
Subject: RE: Alien TOEs was: Cheese factor
Which gives you some ideas and reasons on how to organize alien forces
> > Well, kind of. However, there are going to be some basics which >
> make some versions more efficient and others less.
> > a. Guys bond, i.e. form teams, best with a relatively small
> > number--three to eight if I recall correctly. IIRC the post > >
psychological phrase is "primary groups"
The alien primary groups might be smaller (cats, say, or Orang Utans)
or bigger (hyenas, deer)
> > b. You need enough guys in a fire team to look after each other >
> and cover all directions.
Good all-round vision (insects, rabbits) might reduce the numbers
needed - still must be able to shoot all-round (four-armed ?)
> > d. On the other hand, you need few enough units that your
> > commander can keep track of them--this is why most units have 3-5
> > subunits instead of 8-10, most people can't keep track of more
> > than 4-5 things at a time,
Less intelligent races might not handle more than two, super-
intelligent races might handle 8 or 10. Which begs the question whether
a human
player can handle them.