RE: Cheese factor
From: agoodall@c...
Date: 3 Apr 2001 10:57:05 -0700
Subject: RE: Cheese factor
On Tue, 03 April 2001, "Bell, Brian K (Contractor)" wrote:
> What COMMON* online source would have had the correct definition of
> *Recongizable from the top level domain (
Well, there are a number of sites on the web. However, I like this one
as a "layman's" site.
It's a site for tips on writing military science fiction. There is a lot
of stuff here, distilled for combat sf writers and for wargamers.
The first place to check is under "Essays". Here is the URL for jumping
there directly:
What you want to check out first is the page on organization:
Another good section on this site is Combat Operations:
...which leads to his Tactics section, which is very useful:
It's a good "one stop shopping" location, anyway.
The author of the site is an ex-Marine NCO. I'd be interested in seeing
how accurate his stuff is, but it seemed pretty good and reasonable to
Allan Goodall -
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