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Re: 54mm FMASk, was Re: Just a thought

From: agoodall@c...
Date: 3 Apr 2001 10:34:27 -0700
Subject: Re: 54mm FMASk, was Re: Just a thought

On Tue, 03 April 2001, Andy Cowell wrote:

> I've always been wanting to do 54mm modern/near-future skirmish using
> some of those wonderful Tamiya/Dragon plastic kits.  Has any thought
> been given to running FMASk in this scale?  

There has been a fair interest on about
playing 54mm games. They work incredibly well for skirmishes as you
don't need a lot of figures. You can usually do away with "position"
markers (i.e. prone, kneeling, etc.) by having suitable figures

FMA Skirmish will workjust fine in 54mm, as long as you are willing to:
a) play on a really big board and change the scale to 1" = 1 metre (and
doubling the range band sizes), or b) live with a different ground scale
than 1" = 2 metres.

My very first skirmish game was a World War II game based on rules in
Wargamer's Digest, using 54mm figures. I know that FMA has made some
"scale" consessions that should make it possible to play with 54mm at
the standard game ground scale. It should be far more playable than that
old WW2 game I played.

>There's probably nothing
> more than some scale adjustment, but if the (lucky bastard)
> playtesters would keep it in mind, I'd appreciate it.

Not to worry, I am, at the very least!

Allan Goodall -
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