[FT] Looking for SFSFW FT articles
From: "Jones, Tim" <tjones@a...>
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 11:53:53 +0100
Subject: [FT] Looking for SFSFW FT articles
I'm looking to update the SFSFW FT page with the missing
articles from Ragnarok I don't have and have been waiting for
for years.
If anyone has access to old Ragnaroks with FT articles
NOT listed here:
could they contact me please:
**** OFF LIST ****
**** OFF LIST ****
**** OFF LIST ****
I would have listed the exact missing articles but the Ragnarok
back issue pages have gone offline.
I would appreciate a photocopy or similar electronic format
of the missing articles.
Tim Jones Adaptive Broadband Ltd.
e: tjones@adaptivebroadband.com w: http://adaptivebroadband.com
t: +44 (0)1223 713473 f: +44 (0)1223 713714