Re: [SG] Close Assault Questions
From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 09:29:46 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: [SG] Close Assault Questions
On 30-Mar-01 at 09:19, Bell, Brian K (Contractor)
wrote: > No. To make the assault, it is only based on the unit's
> To stand against the assault, the odds are used.
> So the single CO/Vet/1 could attack at TL 0.
> The 8 CO/Grn/3's would roll to stand the assault at TL+1.
> If the situation is reversed (8 CO/Grn/3's attack a single CO/Vet/1),
> Greens would roll to assault at TL0 and the Vet would roll to stand at
> TL+8.
> In either case (if the defender stands), the Vet need only roll 7 or
> to kill all 8 of the green troops without a scratch.
> This is why I think that Tom & Los' rule is good.
> Another option would be to make each side roll for each paired
> That is in the 1 Vet vs 8 Greens situation. Each Green would roll
once. and
> the Vet would roll 8 times. Each pair of rolls would be compared
> This increases the chance that one of the Green's will get lucky (or
> Vet will get unlucky). This, may slow down the game, however.
By the shift method the d6 versus d10 gets 8 shifts becoming d12 vs d4.
The vet goes down about 79%.
By the roll against every one the vet goes down 99.98% of the time.