Re: SG2 command activations
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 06:08:06 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: SG2 command activations
--- "Barclay, Tom" <> wrote:
> If we every, in a fit of absolute insanity (why am I
> thinking of Grey Day > meets Carter Island
> scenario?), decide to put _Battalion_ command on a
FWIW, Carter only had a short batallion attacking.
Defense forces were about two batallions (of low-tech
But that sounds like fun. If I could come up with the
minis to put an Imperial light batallion (I havn't
even decided which figures I want to use for them) up
against a horde of Islamic troops. . . Of course, I'd
start that at a Con at 0900 on Saturday and just go to
the end. The problem arises with the issue of space to
run this--I'd need a ball floor. And at least one
player per company, including HHC (Scouts/Mortars/Air
Defense) and plus a batallion commander. Per side.
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