Re: Chit-based FT? Re: Fleet Escorts
From: "David Reeves" <davidar@n...>
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 08:58:12 -0500
Subject: Re: Chit-based FT? Re: Fleet Escorts
> Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 13:28:24 -0600
> From:
> Subject: Re: Chit-based FT? Re: Fleet Escorts
> ***
> We use cards. Each ship gets a number on its base and a card in the
> related to its number. Then we shuffle the cards and draw them to see
> which ships gets to fire. We like it more since it gives the sense of
> initiative and luck of battle.
> ***
> Well, the conversation is going in directions I'd never imagined, but
> interesting!
> I see this could be modified so you'd have different colored cards for
> different thrust ships, so you could maintain the
> though it begs the problem of ships changing as to thrust, due to
> Not impossible, though. Kewl!
with card decks, colored cards, different piles, etc, lots of things may
accomplished.... we use 3x5 index cards cut in half, each numbered.
write a number net to the ship on the fleet roster. we use crew quality
where the better quality gets more fire initiative cards in the deck.
elite 4
veteran 3
regular 2
trained 1
untrained 1
so the elite ship crews are more prone to choose to fire first. now
in a few fleet admiral actions: by using an action (admiral has very
few/turn), he may cause a reroll, choose a ship for fire initiative
(instead of a card), increase move order (so slower ship moves before a
faster one). this adds a lot of command decisions to the game based
quality. the points you pay for quality are worth it. it's also now
possible to recreate battle of quality vs. quantity (other than with
vs. big ships). to our group, this adds more racial diversity and