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Re: [OT] space cats (was: Re: Starship Basing Alternatives)

From: KH.Ranitzsch@t...
Date: 28 Mar 2001 06:38 GMT
Subject: Re: [OT] space cats (was: Re: Starship Basing Alternatives)

>----- Ursprüngliche Nachricht -----

> >Now which one is clearly displaying signs of (vastly superior)
> >intelligence? mmm?
> The dog, of course. It doesn't have any delusions :-)
> ...besides, the latest cat I saw spent five minutes chasing its own
> tail around the leg of a table. That one at least didn't display any
> signs of "vastly superior intelligence" whatsoever...

That cat was playing. I thought playing and gaming was a sign of vastly 
superior intelligence ? 


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