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Re: Escort class vessels in line of battle

From: Charles Taylor <charles.taylor@c...>
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 19:08:20 +0100
Subject: Re: Escort class vessels in line of battle

In message <>
	  David Griffin <> wrote:

> When you all conduct your FT battles, when they
> contain lots of big ships slugging it out, do you
> have escort class vessels too? If so, doing what?
> In the few games I've played escorts (destroyers,
> cruisers, etc.) die quickly and seem to have little
> real role in the battle other than to make pretty
> explosions.
> What I'd like to know, do your small ships participate
> in big battles, and if so, in what role?
> Thanks!
> __________________________________________________

Well, in most of the games I play (so far) we use Allan Goodalls
tormanent fleets - which tend to have 1 or more capitals and a
selection of escorts (usually destroyer sized or larger).

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