Re: Fleet Escorts
From: Glenn M Wilson <triphibious@j...>
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 12:18:33 EST
Subject: Re: Fleet Escorts
On Tue, 27 Mar 2001 08:54:47 -0800 (PST) David Griffin
<> writes:
>I'm a new player to Full Thrust playing in a local
>group (in Atlanta). In the few games I've played
>so far (knock down drag outs with lots of ships)
>I've been struck by two things -- 1) Escort sized
>ships seem to be nothing but targets in the battle,
>and 2) Escorts don't seem to have a real role on
>the board other than to make the setup look pretty
>and possibly to absorb damage.
>This, combined with the difficulty defending against
>salvo missiles and fighters led me to wonder if it
>was possible to create an escort sized vessel with
>the ability to actually protect the fleet from
>fighters and missiles and maybe stay alive themselves
>(and have a role on the battlefield).
>The obvious first choice of having lots of PDS and
>ADEF is a little unsatisfactory because it's not
>possible to fire on the fighters until they attack.
>I was considering something that I'm certain has
>been done (maybe to death) on this list and I
>wanted to get some input on how smart or dumb it
>would be.
>My idea is a Destroyer/Carrier with good hull,
>armor, shield 2, ADFC, lots of PDS's and 1 fighter
>squadron of interceptors. There would be a cruiser
>version with 2 squadrons. The idea is that the hull,
>armor, and shields would make them difficult to
>destroy from a distance. The PDS/ADFC would help
>when the attack came, and the interceptor squadrons
>would cut down on the number of fighters reaching
>the SDN's and Carriers. Also, if the escort was
>destroyed, the fighter squadron would remain.
>Ok, now is this a smart or a not so smart idea?
>What are the countermeasures? Would I be better
>off with regular fighters so that they could take
>an offensive role if the enemy didn't have fighters
>or missiles? Is there a better idea? Thanks and
>I'm sorry if this has been asked and answered.
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I like this. When I had only FT2 (until yesterday - got FB1) I was
frustrated by this ability being limited to fighters only being on
Capital ships. Now I am looking at a similar role for CVVLE (CV-Very
Light Escort) ships almost like Catapult ships on the WW2 arctic
convoys... only recoverable.
I find there is a real crying need for escorts having a reason to exist.
I think the escort versus escort aspect of the game is virtually ignored
in play/discussions from my limited experience. Escort versus escort
should be a prime reason escorts exist...
Gracias, Glenn/Triphibious (American Mongrel)
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