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Re: The "Savas'ku (whatever) was Alien Infantry

From: "Jeremy Sadler" <webmaster@s...>
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 11:08:01 +1000
Subject: Re: The "Savas'ku (whatever) was Alien Infantry

> AH, the bugs on the webpage of your and Derek's armies?  HTH
> only?  Hmm, are they heavily armored enough to be able to advance into
> HTH range?  Or are there weapons I missed on the figures (I guess you
> could always arm them if your conception was that firepower was
> necessary...)

One of the type of bugs has a pair of arms that are actually projectile
weapons, akin to missile launchers. I guess they launch a "stinger" type
missile, aka some of the bugs in the Starship Troopers animated series.

Jeremy Sadler

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