Re: [sg] Starting Forces
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 05:40:32 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [sg] Starting Forces
--- Jaime Tiampo <> wrote:
> Squads of 4 are a wee bit small. Wherein the
> standard dactrin goes for 8
> man squads of infantry and 6 man squads for PA, I
> run 7 man squads of
> infantry. I run 1 SAW, 1 Plasma, 4 riflemen, and a
> squad leader (same
> equipment as a rafleman).
For line infantry, I run 8-man squads (for historical
reasons) with 2 SAWs and 6 ARs. NCOs are marked with
little dots on the bottom of their base so that there
is no way to specifically target them.
I also have the figures to do a scout platoon, which
is six four-man teams all armed with rifles and a
minimum of body armor.
> For a platoon I run 3 regular squads and a command
> squad. The command
> squads are identicle to the standard squad except 1
> of the riflemen is
> equiped with EW gear.
Now, an HQ squad for me actually breaks down into
several independant teams. You have a PL, PSG, EW
Tech, and Medic. All of which I tend to use as
independant figures and/or attach to a line squad.
Plus a HW team and an Anti-armor team. Until someone
comes out with GMS teams or crew-served MG teams, I'm
making do with a pair of SAW gunners and a pair of
GMS/P gunners.
> For rifles I go for the Advanced Assult Riffle with
> grenade launcher > which is a 3 for firepower per
rifleman and > standard SAW which is a D8
> support. I've thought of giving them a gatling SAW
> upping it to a D10 > power. So each squad gets
D12(rifles for 5 > men)/D8(SAW)/D6(plasma) and
> their quality die.
Gauss with GL for me--at for regulars.
> I'd rather just equip the squad with a slew of IAVRs
> and support hem > properly. The hitting power of the
I go with a minimum of 2 buzz-bombs per squad.
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