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Re: [OT] "Enemy At The Gates" Review

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 05:30:44 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [OT] "Enemy At The Gates" Review

--- clourenco <> wrote:
> - Where'd Ed Harris' character get some of the
> awards he is wearing if he
> was a school commandant?
> (Was he a great WW1 sniper?)
> He was a sniper first and a higly decorated soldier
> pulled off the front and
> sent to the school. Koenig was the Kommadant of the
> Sniper school, he was
> the Masterschutze, the master sniper..head
> instructor. Most nations will
> pull their top snipers to become instrcutors and
> even run thier own courses,
> as Hathcock did for instance. Eventually they're
> worth more to the war
> effort there than at the front.

One of the comments made by the character with the
teeth states that Koenig was running the sniper school
pre-WWII, which would imply to me that he was a
regular sniper in WWI.
> Oh and I was more than happy to see that girl's
> ass....

Another night in the barracks.


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