Re: FT-Technology in the FT world
From: "Izenberg, Noam" <Noam.Izenberg@j...>
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 09:56:59 -0500
Subject: Re: FT-Technology in the FT world
From: "Matthew Smith" <>
>That's not really relevant anyway
>but basically, my point is that from 2183 (FB1) to 2194 is eleven years
>war against the Kra'Vak. Surely in that time, some technological
>developments will be made? Surely the ships of 2194 will be different
>those in 2183? In what ways?
A very simple/simplistic KISS way of dealing with this is assuming that
technology _has_ incrementally improved over tha 11 years of
Assume that all tech - offensive, defensive, and other, has been slowly
upgrading. The FT system is too granualr to keep pace with who was ahead
tracking techonology for the 2nd qurater of 2187 or whose beams were 5%
efficient during the summer of 2191. On the whole, a battle fought in
with 2183 ships would be tactiaclly similar to a 2194 battle with 2194
ships. Our only assumption is that no one made a breakthrough leap (like
Nukes in WWII) that decisively turned the tides of any conflict.
One of the ways to reflect this is a proposal for tech development I put
a long time ago - change the scale of the MU. If you're using Inches as
"standard" MU, make 2cm the "decade old tech" MU, and 3 cm the
tech" MU. You'd modify the relative cost of low or high tech forces by
determing the %dfference in MU (possibly plus some factor). So in a
tech vs. Standard" battle, 2183 forces would cost ~ 80% (or less) of the
2194 forces.
I may have formalized it better the last time I posted it. I should dig
up from the archive.