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RE: [OT] The GZG Digest V2 #355

From: "Casquilho, Daniel" <Daniel.Casquilho@d...>
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 12:38:07 -0500
Subject: RE: [OT] The GZG Digest V2 #355


	I am curious, where did you see the film makers have said 
the whole story is complete fiction? The duel may have been fiction 
made up by the Soviet propaganda machine, that has been agreed as a
possibility by both the film makers and historians. 

	However, Vasily Zaitsev was a real person who did in fact have 
more then 200 kills and who was asked to train Snipers during the war. 
Zaitsev apparently never confirmed or denied the story of the duel. 

	As for Tania Chernova, she was a real person. An American
who returned to Russia during the war. So I am curious, where did you 
read that Paramount was "back-pedaling frantically" and saying the whole

story was pure fiction? I would like to read the article myself.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stuart Murray []
> Subject: Re: The GZG Digest V2 #355 - 15mm Stuff
> Hi Guys,
> Someone forwarded me the digest because of the 15mm stuff but 
> i saw this
> thread and was intruiged..
> >Subject: Re: [OT] Enemy at the Gates - March 16 in US
> Though origionally  touted as a true story by the film 
> makers, they are now
> back-pedalling frantically on this one because it turns out 
> that it is all
> complete fiction.  The 'account'  of the duel was created 
> post-war by the
> Soviet prpoganda machine.  Simply, it never happened, despite the then
> Soviets diplaying what they erronously claim to be a Ziess 
> scope from the
> fictional German sniper ace.
> From what I've seen and heard it looks like another 'Saving 
> Princess Ryan
> Hype'...
> (BTW, anyone spot the direct un-acknowledged lift from Carlos 
> Hathcock's
> book on sniping in the Vietnam war ?)

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