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Re: [GZG ECC] Looking for a spaceship

From: Chan Faunce <chanfaunce@t...>
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001 15:36:38 -0800
Subject: Re: [GZG ECC] Looking for a spaceship

I've got one (several actually). I'll be bringing a fairly good
selection of
NAC, FSE, KV and B5 minis. Anyone wishing to use them is welcome.

On a related note: If anyone wants pics of minis taken I know that KR
brought a digital cam in the past and I'm bringing a good one this year
would be happy to take them and email them to you.

Also, If any one has any fills for Tom Granvold's Space Combat
Games/Minis list.
I'll be happy to take pics and forward them

"Barclay, Tom" wrote:

> Hi folks
> For the crowd going to GZG ECC IV - I'm playing in the CanAm FT on
> morning. I need to find a spare NAC Ticonderoga DD... anyone likely to
> one they aren't using at the Con? If so, I'd like to borrow it for
that last
> game (note, this does not count as aiding and abetting the enemy if
you are
> an American). I'd like all the ships on the board to be what they
> are if possible.
> If you think you could loan me one for that slot, email me off-list.
> Tomb.
> -----------------------------------------------
> Thomas Barclay
> Systems Analyst
> bitHeads, Inc.
> V: (613) 722 3232
> e-mail:
> "You are what you do, when it counts" -- the Masao, John Steakey's
> -----------------------------------------------

Channing C. Faunce

NEW projects

Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes
     decide everything. attributed to Josef Stalin


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