RE: [FT] WotW 2: EMP Weapons
From: Beth Fulton <beth.fulton@m...>
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 10:02:22 +1100
Subject: RE: [FT] WotW 2: EMP Weapons
Karl suggested
>Attacker nominates three target
>systems, numbering them 1, 2, 3
>Defender nominates 3 system (4,5,6).
>Throw a die to see which one is
Yep I like that one too!
Charles commented
>although that could slow thing down
>if your checking a large number of
>systems (suggest - make sure these
>cannot affect too many systems :-)
I think 3 or so was about the number of hits that had been mentioned
isn't a problem, just roll 3 dice. If more than one happens to be the
then roll for that system twice or whatever (assuming the first etc
aren't enough). Occasionally you'll get wasted hits as the first one is
effective but if the SG/DS players can put up with this then I think the
players can too ;)
Dean wrote:
>Sounds interesting but you would
>have to almost write down or mark each
>target system to prevent problems
>(I said a 4 was the FTL not the screen,
The only time that would be a problem I guess would be if a ship fired a
lot of them simultaneously and the players wanted to pick different sets
systems each time. What to do in that situation probably requires some
strong handed wording of the rules or a little more thought.
>I do suggest that someone run some
>games with these mechanics to compare
>them. They may seem good or bad on
>paper but how they work during a game
>may differ.
Best idea yet!
Elizabeth Fulton
c/o CSIRO Division of Marine Research
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