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FT-Targeting beacons

From: "Bif Smith" <bif@b...>
Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2001 16:46:38 -0000
Subject: FT-Targeting beacons

This is the bif again, wanting comments on a idea I had a while ago
(marker by *), but heard nothing about.I`ve had a free day, and been
going through the old posts, reraising old ideas, and asking for
comments. You can probably guess from the number of posts from me

Chris DeBoe said-

>Oerjan's suggestion was that 3 mass is a banzai jammer: Hull 1, armor
>main drive 6.	The big red "Welcome, Salvo Missiles!" sign costs no

This has raised a idea or two-

*Targeting beacon
Replaces standard SML round (mass=2)
Range=ER SML (got to have some advantages for no dammage)
Dammage=none, instead, any round(s) that suvive PDS lock a homing beacon
onto the hull of the ship targeted. This beacon allows any SML fired at
ship with the beacon to gain a +1 to the number of missiles to hit role,
also bypassed the "banzai jammer" and/or the target the nearest ship.
negated by ECM (indevidual or area).

Also, watching gundam (General Non Discontinuaty Armuored Mobile suit)
raised another idea, instead of using banzai jammers, how about using
*inflateable ballons that mimic the outline of the ship, and emmit a
signiture that confuses the target sensors of the missiles. This device
would only work with the use of ECM, to degrage the sensors on the
The mass of the decoys would be 2, the cost would be 5, and carries 3
(only one launched at once). Cost and mass only a guess at the moment.

Comments? or arguments anyone?

"yorkshire born,yorkshire bred,
strong in arms, thick in head"

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