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From: "Bif Smith" <bif@b...>
Date: Sun, 4 Feb 2001 21:45:42 -0000
Subject: FT-AF SML`s

Noam asked me about Anti Fighter rounds for SML`s discussed on the list
recently, and checking through the records I`ve got, it was just before
xmas, under a title of more weapon concept questions on the 19/12/00 (by
me), and the last entry, under af-sml, was on the 24/12/00 (I think).
The only reason I`m posting this to the list, instead of replying
directly, is to ensure I`ve got the results/concensus of the discusion

To summerise-
DP=nil (against ships)
Range=12 MU
Intercepts fighters through using a high powered, but short endurance
drive, with a powerful seeking electronics and a light warhead, that
makes it incapable of dammaging a starship, but capable of
intercepting/destroying a fighter. Fired through the arcs of the sml
launcher used, and can only be used in them arcs only. Intercepting
fighters rolls either 6D6 (1 per fighter, intercepts as per PDS), OR
roll 1D6, number rolled equals number of fighters intercepted, same as
KV scattergun packs. Used in pds phase, like normal pds, and can be used
in area defence mode, without a adfcon, upto it`s range (ie-not only
limited to intercepting fighters attacking ship mounting af-sml). Can
only be used by a sml that has not fired a anti-ship round that turn.

I think this was the end result, though not sure, hence this post, so
people can reply and correct anything I`ve got wrong <G>.

"yorkshire born,yorkshire bred,
strong in arms, thick in head"

Prev: Re: FT-UN starships, and improved hulls Next: [OT] Pertaining to all things Beth