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[SG2] close assault

From: "Barclay, Tom" <tomb@b...>
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 14:09:19 -0500
Subject: [SG2] close assault

In reply to some replies:

1) odds in CC.... When I said defender gets downward die shifts for
odds in CC, I should have also stated if the defender outnumbers the
attacker, the same is true. For example, 2 soldiers end up fighting 1
soldier. So the single soldier, having odds of 2:1 against him, gets one
negative die shift on his quality for the CC. Note, in this context,
force could be the "attacker". So if the defender has weight of numbers,
that's a plus for him. For close assaults, bring a friend :) 

2) Brian raised an interesting point about CC/CA where he said 
"if a unit is heavily suppressed, should you be able to CC them?
it be dangeorus?". Well, I think it probably is somewhat dangerous in
real-world, but if your  troops have even rudimentary training, it
be too bad. 

Since this is all abstract, one PoV suggests you have to not be firing
one unit at a target and CC it with another.... except suppression isn't
necessarily directly correspondent with fire. I can fire one burst at a
and it can become suppressed, even though that burst might not be
for a while. Another PoV suggests that troops are trained to fight with
close assaults and close assaults are NOT necessarily HTH. 

So if all I'm doing is closing to within 10m to hurl grenades and use
range gunfire, then another squad could easily be pouring enfilade fire
upon the target. It's common practice to have one unit suppress a
bunker or other target and then have another unit move up and attack
grenades, satchel charges, or close in gunfire - which is what most CAs
be. Actual HTH occurs, but not all that often (depends on terrain to

I've trained to fire within 5-10m of one of my own squads without too
concern. My rounds might deviate by as much as 1m, but 10m is more than
enough clearance. Especially if I know they are going in to grenade or
engage a target with close in high-volume fire. Sure, when the CA rush
occurs, the fire might have to come off... but that's a matter of
not SG2 turns. If there is a final rush, it is onto a suppressed enemy
really can't defend against it. The enfilading support unit comes
only as the other unit begins its rush over the last few meters. 

Yes, there is a small risk someone doesn't get the message and isn't
enough to come off-target. But its low IMO with even moderately well
troops. So, you could probably either not represent it (as I do) or you
could make a quality role for the attacker or the suppressing unit to
coordinate well - failure means 1 hit on the assaulting unit.

Thomas R. S. Barclay
Voice: (613) 722-3232 ext 349

2001: To the New Millenium! The next thousand years
are MINE. 

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