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FT-Command & control

From: "bif smith" <bif@b...>
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 15:44:26 -0000
Subject: FT-Command & control

I was thinking about a command ship for fleets/squadrens, and thought
flag bridges. I`ve thought about the penalties for the loss of a flag
bridge, in allowing the players one one side to not talk or write
between each other for 1 turn, so losing co-ordination between ships
tempererally (as well as the mass removed from offensive weapons, pds
As for advantages for using flag bridges, I`ve had several ideas, and
looking for more.
Reasons for using Flag Bridges-
1-Any fighters can use any hanger on any ship for reloading/rearming
with no
penalties. for this to be a advantage, there needs to be a penalty for a
different fighter group than the ones normally alocated to the ship
reloading (say, a extra 1 turn to reload a torpedo wing in a intercepter
wing hanger bay).
2-Allows the side with flag bridge to pass writen messages between each
other without the other side being able to intercept them. The side
any (operable) flag bridges must only pass messages verbally, so the
with the flag bridge knows what the other side is doing (represents the
co-ordination possible between the ships of a squadren or fleet).
3-Allows sensor infomation from any ship to be shared between any ship
the squadren/fleet. So, if one ship has improved sensors, it can share
info with it`s collegues.
4-If more than one ship in a squadren/fleet has a flag bridge, if one is
destroyed/disabled, the other one(s) may take over immediatly, with no
pause/disruption in communications between ships.
Notes-Considered a core system, adds a second bridge symbol (with a F
to represent the flag bridge) on the core systems. Also allows a extra
factor in boarding actions (if used), to represent the extra marines
for Admeral protection duties.

So, lets design a NAC command SD.

Churchill Class command SD (SDC)
Hull (DP-70)
Drive (t-4)
Screens (x2)
Armour (7)
Flag Bridge
PDS (x6)
P.Torp (3a)x1
Cl.3 Bat (3a)x3
F.Con x3
Fighter Bay x2
Cl.2 Bat (6a) x3
Cl.1 Bat (6a) x2

Expensive, but better protected version of the Valley forge SD for

Any comments/sugestions/alterations/improvements anyybody care to
suggest to
this proposal?

"yorkshire born,yorkshire bred,
strong in arms, thick in head"

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