Re: Nitto SF3D was: Re: OT: AT-43, any news?
From: ShldWulf@a...
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2001 00:58:30 EST
Subject: Re: Nitto SF3D was: Re: OT: AT-43, any news?
Speaking of a "periscope" game... there was one on the shelf of the
book store that was a battle game in Japanese. I seem to recall the
were from an Anime, (I recall them as the were some of the ones ripped
off by
FASA for battle tech... Shadow Hawk and Goliath, as I recall ;o) and it
small plastic trees for "terrain." You sighted through you periscope to
if you had line of sight to hit the target. I couldn't figure out the
rest of
the rules. Still there last time I checked.