Paypa; was Re: [SG] Possible FAQ - Ordering GZG from the States?
From: Glenn M Wilson <triphibious@j...>
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 18:21:14 EST
Subject: Paypa; was Re: [SG] Possible FAQ - Ordering GZG from the States?
Okay. Since I don't have credit cards anymore, the Paypal people have a
system where I can pay through via a bank draft type system?
What's their e-mail, please?
Gracias, Glenn/Triphibious
You don't have to be French to be a 'frog', or even human!
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On Mon, 15 Jan 2001 14:46:44 -0800 (PST) Michael Llaneza
<> writes:
>I'd like to throw in a plug for my favorite e-commerce tool: PayPal
>( SInce they recently went international (and have
>from Xmas). It's a simple way to send money securely. They'll even set
>up an
>account with a bank draft so you don't even need to use a credit card.
>All GZG has to do is open a business account (there's a small
>rake-off, which
>is how they pay their bills) and presto, 'they' accept credit cards.
>simplifies the matter and is far more secure (anyone who can steal one
>with a credit card # can steal the two with half each).
>--- Ground Zero Games <> wrote:
>> >On Mon, 15 January 2001, "chubbybob" wrote:
>> >
>> >> I live in Spain...Different location but the principle is
>the same..
>> I
>> >> E-mailed my order direct to GZG.. I then sent my card number in
>> separate
>> >> mails as suggested by Jon.. worked fine.. he got paid , i got the
>goods ..
>> >> everybody happy!!!!
>> >
>> >I've ordered from Jon, doing the same thing, from Canada. Worked
>> >great. The best delivery time was the day I sent the e-mail on the
>> >morning, and the package was in my mail box Thursday night when I
>> >home.
>> >
>> >Send an e-mail with your order and half your credit card info (I
>> >send half the credit card numbers). Send the other half in a second
>> >along with the name on the card and expiry date. Make sure your
>address is
>> >in one of the two e-mails. Works great.
>> Thanks for that, Allan (and everyone else who has responded to
>> original query); we can't always guarantee to be QUITE this fast
>(!), but
>> we try to do our best....! regarding security, while there are no
>> guarantees we reckon that the split-email method Allan's outlined
>above is
>> about as safe as you can get; if you are still worried then feel
>free to
>> mix the 4-digit number blocks of the card - eg: first and THIRD sets
>> four numbers in one message, and second and fourth sets in the other
>- as
>> long as you make it clear to US which way to read it, I honestly
>can't see
>> any kind of nasty email-interception software being able to make
>much sense
>> of it......
>> We've been taking orders like this for a couple of years now, and to
>> not one customer has had any problems that we've been made aware of.
>> BTW (and this applies to everyone ordering from us by email) please
>> order emails to <>, and not to <>; this
>> essential, but it does mean they get filtered into a separate
>mailbox which
>> makes them much easier to deal with (otherwise they just stay in the
>> of list mails and other stuff!).
>> Jon (GZG)
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