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Re: [FT] Wave Gun (was: OU & IC & FB3)

From: Indy <kochte@s...>
Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 10:51:02 -0500
Subject: Re: [FT] Wave Gun (was: OU & IC & FB3)

Peter Mancini wrote:
> >From: "Mark 'Indy' Kochte" <>
> >The Shadows generally target one ship (or group of
> >fighters) at a time, slice it open (or go 'pop-pop-pop' for
> >then move on to the next target or threat (not necessarily in that
> I need to rewatch season 3 but in my minds eye I recall them getting
> than one ship at a time with the same beam.  However I could be either
> mistaken or perhaps that religious tart with all of her hyperbole
> the Shadows has overcome my otherwise rational nature.  ;-)


In season 2's "The Long, Twilight Struggle" there MAY be a scene in
two Narn cruisers are hit by one beam sweep - but not all ships in the
which is what would/should happen if you use the Wavegun idea for the
Shadow weapon. So from that I can see an arguement for a sweeping beam
covering an area. But it was a one-time thing for the Shadows (okay, and
a one-time thing for Epislon 3's Great Machine in season 1), and I think
it was more for dramatic effect and to illsutrate how *much* more
some tech is compared to the level of most of the races around at that
Bearing this in mind, I would be hesitant to introduce an area effect
Shadow weaponry (just make the damage hideously huge :-). I'd probably
instead 2 beam shots to simulate one beam sweep.

('illsutrate' should be 'illustrate' - yes, I can speak today! :-/ ).

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