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RE: strike the colors rule

From: Sean Bayan Schoonmaker <s_schoon@p...>
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 07:39:46 -0800
Subject: RE: strike the colors rule

>Or every time you loose a crew factor, the ship must make a morale
>check or withdraw from battle (move out of weapons range or shut
>down if unable to withdraw). The ship may continue to make morale
>checks each turn until it successful (and may reengage).
>Morale Check: Roll equal to or under the number of crew factors the
>ship has left +1 to stay in the battle.

The only problem with this technique is that MASS 21-30 and MASS 
41-50 ships (assuming average hulls) will have a crew hit in the 
first few boxes and be MUCH more likely to "strike," especially the 
21-30 case.

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