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Re: strike the colors rule

From: Richard Bell <rlbell@s...>
Date: Wed, 03 Jan 2001 17:31:48 -0500
Subject: Re: strike the colors rule wrote:

> Things we can leave till FT3?
> Campaigns
> Ground Interface
> Terrain
> Debris
> Striking colours (suggest a check every turn at last hull box and get
> damaged - score must equal the number of hull boxes left, but a 6
> always
> fails)

No, no, a thousand times no.  I hate this rule.  This is not the wooden
ships and iron men era.  How many ships "struck their colors" in
WW1 & WW2?   And what do you mean "a 6 always fails"?  That
they surrender on a 6?	This would be way way too often.  Our games
have had people flee when on the last roll of hull boxes and have a
working FTL drive, but this is at the player's discretion and not on a
fluke of a die roll.  Make it a 2D6 possibility and I MAY accept it.

I'm glad it's optional because I ain't playing with it as is.


I have to agree with Glen.  Historically, ships stopped striking their
colours in WWI.  Even vessels in totally hopeless situations would
rather have been sunk then captured.  The prime example being the
Scharnhorst and Gniesnau vs the Invincible(?) and Indefatigable(?); the
german vessels lacked the range and speed to even shoot back, and their
armor (while superior) was mooted by battlecruisers' 12 inch guns.

Prev: Re: {Q} Efficient Designs Next: Re: Nathan's FB3 comments, was Re: [FT] OU & IC & FB3