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Re: Fighter House Rules.

From: Sean Bayan Schoonmaker <s_schoon@p...>
Date: Tue, 02 Jan 2001 18:45:31 -0800
Subject: Re: Fighter House Rules.

>For our book-keeper types: How about a +1 for - each number less then 4
>fighters - strength of the group and +1 per turn consecutive re-arming?

OK, if you MUST have dice rolling involved <sigh> ;-)

How about something more like this:

Your ship has a 1-6 capacity. In other words, the chance of rearming 
1 fighter is 1+ (automatic). This ability, however, can be split 
among however many fighters you choose. Thus if you want to work on 
three fighters at the same time, you would need a 5+ (33%) for 
success on each. This way, you have to allocate your assets, and 
possible gamble on failure if you try to work on too many fighters at 


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