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Building 'unusual' starships

From: Glenn m wilson <triphibious@j...>
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 18:51:04 EST
Subject: Building 'unusual' starships

Well I went to the craft (read beads) shop at lunch and have some
on cheap starships for FT/2nd from plastic and wood beads (real stones
for my jewelry and besides, cost too much at these sizes.)


Given the measurements (approximate) I was provided by a fellow gamer as

SC: 1cm
FF: 2cm
DD: 3cm
CL: 5cm
CH: 6cm
BC: 7cm
BB: 8cm
DN: 10cm
SDN: 15cm
CVH: 17cm

Would beads (especially round ones) be passable at about 67-75% of these
lengths due to increased mass (or appearance of same?)	In other words,
assuming a base 'main body bead' of a 16mm wood beads (with seed beads -
those 'way too tiny' jobs some people sew on clothes - glued on for
'turrets, sensor arrays, etc.') seem 'in scale'?

Mostly I am thinking of cylinder or spherical wood/plastic beads as main
body with other beads (squares, tubes, pinwheels, barrels, and/or 
glued on front, back or sides to give 'functional form' to the ship's
shape.	Mounted on wire/rod part of the base.

For example a 16mm Wood bead (large compared to the 'normal' beads in
jewelry) with assorted add-ons - would it pass reasonable well as a FF
would it's mass push it up (appearance based) into a DD?  Would 6 MM
beads pass as Scouts?

Experienced FT (or other systems) player's comments would be

Gracias, Triphibious/Glenn (first war game played 1959)
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