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Re: [SG2] reusable projectile launcher

From: agoodall@c...
Date: 29 Nov 2000 12:09:50 -0800
Subject: Re: [SG2] reusable projectile launcher

On Wed, 29 November 2000, "Barclay, Tom" wrote:

> Here's a question then: 
> How do you (in the SG2 rules if someone figures it is covered there,
> elsewhere otherwise) handle direct fire artillery used versus infantry
> targets or another point target like a place on the ground? How do you
> handle deviation? It shouldn't be nearly as bad as off-board fire
> it?). How do you handle direct engagement of infantry with a howitzer
> example? <Firing over open sights.... sometimes necessary!>

It's covered there.

Check out "On Table Artillery" on page 47.

In essence, it is handled essentially the same was as off board
artillery, but 
the observer is the gunner and instead of exceeding his Leadership Value
x 2 on
 the roll of a Quality Die, you just have to beat the Leadership Value.
In othe
r words, you place a marker for where the round will hit, roll the
Quality Die,
 and if the roll exceeds the leadership value the round hits right
there. Other
wise, roll for deviation.

In my American Civil War rules I modified this. I made the burst areas
very sma
ll and I made the roll equal to Leadership Value x 2. This was to keep
cannon f
ire behaving much like it did in the 1800s.

The main difference to the rules was the introduction of cannister
rounds in Ha
rdtack (what I call the Civil War rules), with cannister being resolved
just li
ke small arms fire. 

Note that this system in SG2 does NOT use range bands. It's for
artillery. It's
 assumed it can hit anywhere on the board. You roll the die to see if
the round
 hits where you marked, and if not it is deviated. 

For your weapon ideas, Tom, I suggest the following:

1) Give the weapons a sensor ability that represents sighting equipment.
A WW2 
bazooka would have a D4 sensor package, and would be classed as "none".
Give ot
hers the typical basic, enhanced, and superior from the game.

2) Mark a spot on the table where the round would hit, just like

3) Roll Quality and Sensor dice versus a Range Die. This is the same as
nd (essentially the same as) vehicle heavy weapons. 

4a) If the roll is made, treat it like an artillery round hitting at
that locat
ion. That is, you roll an impact die for every figure within the burst

4b) If the roll is NOT made, roll for deviation. Then roll an impact die
for ev
ery figure within the burst radius of the deviated round.

Note that this WILL give you a weapon that is more nasty against
infantry than 
IAVRs. Even a miss might have a close enough deviation so as not to

Also, you have a wide range of rounds and weapon systems that can be
You can play with the following factors: sensor die; impact die; burst
reloading. The last item is based on the artillery rules. The artillery
rules r
equire both actions of an activation be used to fire artillery. You may
want to
 keep this for some weapons (i.e. a bazooka; I seem to recall that it
had a fai
rly long reload time) but not others.

Allan Goodall -
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