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Re: Am I a Republic revisionist? Re: Sci-Fi Crossover after action report

From: agoodall@c...
Date: 29 Nov 2000 11:51:05 -0800
Subject: Re: Am I a Republic revisionist? Re: Sci-Fi Crossover after action report

On Wed, 29 November 2000, wrote:

> And, if you want a REAL condemnation of Lucas, check out David Brin's
> comments in a recent SciFi channel rag. And I thought *I* needed to
> back on the coffee! ;->=

Check out Brin's "What's Wrong (and Right) with 'The Phantom Menace'"
from Salo
n last year. Here's the URL:

My favourite line: "He is too old to train to be a Jedi." -- Uh, Yoda?
You say 
6 is too old, but Luke Skywalker will be a doable fixer-upper at 20?
When do yo
u recruit novices -- ripping them from the breast, like the Psi Corps in
on 5"? Does the Jedi Way require complete denial of normal childhood? An
odd me
ssage for a kid flick!

Which brings up a point. If not using the fighter morale rules is in
keeping wi
th sci-fi movies and such, but as per Oerjan's contention fighters are
ced without the morale rules, what SHOULD fighters cost without using

Allan Goodall -
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