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Re: Dirtside Question: Zero or low G combat

From: "Scott Case" <tgunner@h...>
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 05:02:39
Subject: Re: Dirtside Question: Zero or low G combat

Thanks for all of the responses :)

Here is what I'm considering for my Mars battle:

1. Shorter horizion (the 48" suggestion sounds about right). Longer
bands. I'm going to play test that one and go for what 'feels' right.
2. Only specialized GEVs (slow ones maybe?)
3. I'm using the background from William R. Forstchen's Star Voyager
series (actually, Prometheus)- all fighters on Mars (that were
were space fighters- that shouldn't change anything I think.
4. I would think that the lower gravity would allow infantry to move a
faster- say 1/3d faster.
5. The background mentioned above has no powered infantry in it. I'm 
assuming that the infantry in the background are space suited infanty.
the bulky suits would counteract #4???
6. Terrain is going to be primarly some rocky ridge lines, sand dunes,
rocky areas, and a dug in SAM site (the mission is to destroy the SAMs)
7. Forces-
USMC (United Space Military Command- United Nations)

4-6 platoons of Space-to-ground marine assault troops (Veterans armed
standard assault weapons, IVARs, GMSL, and APSWS)

1 platoon of LAV (wheeled or hover light armored vehicles- size 2 or 3
light weapons and carrying a squad of infantry each)

1 squadron of Glen class fighters (a large aerospace fighter with
and HELs)

2 USMC Space Force Frigates to provide Ortillery support (Not too heavy
wise, but some support punch for the USMC)

CFF (Colonial Free Forces)

1-4 platoons of militia (average to low quality troops with militia

1 platoon of regular CFF infantry (similar to USMC marines)

1 SAM battery (2 fixed launchers, a couple of troop bunkers with a few
teams manning them, and a few teams with LADs)

I don't have a set point value in mind, but that should be the ball
park. I 
want some rules that will lend some realism, but won't make the scenario



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