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Re: [HIST] conflicts in the GZGverse - LLAR

From: KH.Ranitzsch@t...
Date: 27 Nov 2000 12:07 GMT
Subject: Re: [HIST] conflicts in the GZGverse - LLAR

LLAR foreign policy assesment, as per my LLAR website

Long-standing enmity with the NAC, due to the latter's occupation of 
South America. The LIRA is too weak for a straight fight against the
but it has occasionally joined in anti-NAC alliances. There have been 
numerous cases where the LLAR has been accused of supporting anti-NAC 
activities on Earth and in space, but actual proof of this has been
and usually involved individual LLAR citizens rather than government 

The closest ally of the LLAR is the FSE traditionally due to the 
Spanish/Portuguese component in both States. Also the FSE supported the
throughout its exile off earth. 

Relations with the ESU are quite close. However, this is more a case of 
the ESU trying to befriend the LLAR (and trying to bribe them with 
cheap weapons and commercial privileges) rather than genuine mutual 

The LIRA has quite close commercial ties with most industrial and 
technical powers, especially the NSL, the Oceanic Union, New Israel  and
Japanese. This extends to LLAR acquisition of weapon systems and 
occasionally joint research, development and production. Politically,
produces some links of sympathy. But that is far from a military
and there have been occasional incidents.. 
There is some sympathy between the LLAR, the Islamic Federation, 
Pan-African Union and Indonesian Commonwealth (IC), due to the real or 
perceived commmon role as the 'third world'  in the human part of the

However, the various incidents and wars with the IC have left a long 
trail of grudges and suspicions which could easily lead to
renewed fighting. 

The nearest planetary neighbour is the Romanov Hegemony. Relations have 
varied over time from rather good-neighbourly to disputes and even 
fighting, over trading rights and free passage of armed forces. Also,
Romanov Hegemony is wary of the military links between the LLAR and the 
ESU, the arch-enemy of the Romanov Hegemony. 

Relationships with other powers is rather more distant, controlled more 
by short-term political expediency rather than by any long-term 

Karl Heinz

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