Re: Command Con II by-product!
From: Tony Francis <tony.francis@k...>
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 08:34:03 +0000
Subject: Re: Command Con II by-product!
Glenn m wilson wrote:
> Well, I never expected it to happen so fast but I have it.
> OKAY. Since I think buying them will be a low priority initially,
> size scratch built ships should I be thinking about? What would you
> consider a 'normal' size for a escort, a cruiser, or a capital ship?
Very roughly ...
Escort 25-35mm long
Cruiser 45-55mm long
Capital - bigger ! (up to 100-125mm long)
Length can be more (or less) depending on the general 'bulk' of the ship
short and fat can be the same tonnage as long and thin).
> In the Tuffleyverse, are the ships built to a particular scale?
IIRC, originally they were advertised as 1/3000th, but I seen to recall
being advertised as 1/2400th later on (probably when Jon took them over
Paul Copeland). There doesn't seem to be any scale mentioned in the
catalogue, and unfortunately I don't have a paper one to hand.
> I won't
> have web access to TMP (The Miniatures Page) until lunch time at work
> browser at home) and then no guarantee the system will be available or
> that I will have the time to look. I known Naval miniatures are built
> (IIRC, since I just bought a few - my first -on clearance) to one to
> [1200, 1250, 2500, 4800, 6000] scale(s) but I expect the ships to run
> between .5" (Missile Boats) to 5" (BIG capital ships)? {That would be
> circa 12.7mm to circa 635mm???)
635mm would be one BIG ship - (over two feet long) ! 5" is 127mm. Given
your range is roughly right for the official models.